With Monday 12th April marking another milestone on the roadmap out of lockdown, we thought we would have a look at what you may have missed during the nearly 5-month period of being stuck indoors…again.
This list is not extensive but there is a few ideas on here for you to start feeling optimistic about.
Obviously, these all need to be done responsibly, but hopefully they will help regain that feeling of normality.
Seeing family in person

Now we are out of the strict lockdown, you can see family and friends in person outdoors, meaning you’ll no longer have to rely on technology.
When it comes to technology, some of us are a whizz at it, and others are as competent as a monkey with a Rubik’s cube.
The point is, some people are not as up to date with it as others and that is okay, but when we needed to rely on things like Zoom, Skype, and Video Calls to stay in contact with our loved ones, it has caused some people an extra layer of hardship on top of not being able to see family and friends in person.
Going outdoors…freely

Yes, we know people have been able to go outside and exercise, but when is the last time you went out with someone without feeling guilty or cautious that you may be breaking the rules?
Then there is that look you get from other people as they try and figure out if you are from the same household or not. The truth is it is not nice. Well, with this lockdown ending, the rule of 6 returns and meeting people outdoors is no longer looked at so restrictively.
Not everyone has wanted to leave their homes either so now is the ideal time to buddy up with a household and go on walks and catch ups.
Getting that mop chopped

C’mon, you know what we are talking about here, if you are not lucky enough to have a family member who knows how to cut hair, chances are you are about to come at least 2nd place in a Chewbacca lookalike contest.
It is about time you got that hair cut and now you can.
Hairdressers and salons fall under personal care services, obviously avoid lengthy treatments to reduce contact time but you can still go get that mess under control for now.
Eating & Drinking in Pubs and Restaurants

Whether you need a meal and a catch up or a nice cold pint for old times sake, pubs and restaurants are opening up their outdoor spaces so you can meet with friends and family.
As long as groups are limited to six people or two households.
Not only does this give people the chance to get that much needed social interaction but also helps to support local business’ and help regain that feel of normality.
Non-Essential Shopping

There is no denying that sometimes, buying something you WANT as opposed to something you NEED is a feel-good move.
Well, because non-essentials are opening you can go get that thing that you wanted to get but you were not sure about paying for it online as it may or may not fit you and or work *breathe*.
As long as you shop responsibly and respect the staff who are also coming back to work for the first time in months, you can now go shopping for non-essentials.
Obviously, just because you CAN now do these things, it does not mean that we cannot do them responsibly. Stay safe, have fun and be courteous to others.