Ines Felix

Ines Felix
Two dogs playing at the beach.

Why the easing of lockdown might be bad for your dog

With the lockdown easing and everyone returning to work, dogs are more at risk than ever to suffer from anxiety. If you have been spending...
A van parked by the sea.

Van life: What it’s all about and what it involves

With the rise on social media of the van life community, this lifestyle may seem like a dream come true. Our Storyhub correspondent has...
The sky full of stars

Six amazing astronomy events to look out for this summer

Astronomy events are some of the most amazing natural wonders the Earth has to offer us. There are some must-see moments throughout the year to...
Landscape in the United Kingdom

Three amazing National Parks to visit – all within 200 miles...

During April, the United Kingdom celebrates the Discover National Parks Fortnight. The aim of the awareness event is to encourage people to celebrate the country's...
Abstract colours. Colours, textures, smells, and lighting: all of this can affect the comfort and calm of a child with sensory issues.

Three sensory-friendly fashion brands in the UK you might not have...

There is no denying that clothing helps everyone express themselves and show the world their individuality. However, for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)...

YouTubers Making History – Daily Dose of Football YouTube might be the most magical place on the Internet. It’s the personification of the motto “dream big, the sky is the limit”. In...


Three University of Derby graduates lined up, two of which who now work at Eighteen.

Meet the Derby students helping company break into digital marketing world

by Holly Hunt Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies and their websites to be found in the ever-evolving world of Google. However, one...