The government has announced that England will revert into a tier system on December the 2nd  which means that areas will be placed into one of three categories.

These categories are ‘medium’, ‘high’ and ‘very high’. This is similar to the situation before the second lockdown, only this time restrictions will be much tighter.

It’s hoped that these tighter restrictions will help prevent a third wave of coronavirus cases.

Alongside this a lot more areas are going to be put into the highest two tiers. So where exactly do Derby and Derbyshire sit?

Enter your postcode here to find out the restrictions in your local area.

Both Derby and Derbyshire have been placed into tier 3 (Very high). Whilst this decision will be reviewed every two weeks, for now it is worth getting to grips with what the restrictions mean for you.

Below is our handy list of tier 3 restrictions for everyone in Derby and Derbyshire to follow. Guidance on the restrictions in place for the rest of England can be found on the government’s website.


  • You must work from home if possible
  • No mixing with other households. This rule doesn’t apply to support or childcare bubbles.
  • Pubs, restaurants, and bars must remain closed. They can still provide a takeaway service.
  • Indoor entertainment venues closed.
  • Shops, gyms and hairdressers are allowed to open.
  • Schools, nurseries, colleges and universities are open.
  • Places of worship are open but you can’t interact with anyone outside of your household or support bubble.

READ MORE: Derbyshire gym owner on lockdowns and their effects on mental health.


  • Rule of six applies in some settings including:
      •                 Parks, beaches, countryside accessible to the public and forests.
      •                 Playgrounds.
      •                 Allotments.
      •                 The grounds of a heritage site.
  • You can not meet socially in private gardens.
  • Adult sport can happen in an outdoor space although contact sports should be avoided.
  • Funerals with a maximum of 30 guests are allowed.
  • Weddings are allowed with up to a maximum of 15 guests.
  • No spectators allowed into sports venues.
Tier 3 summary
A summary of tier 3 restrictions in England.


  • Hotels are closed with some exceptions.
  • Travelling outside your local area other than for work or education should be avoided.
  • Minimise the amount of journeys taken where possible.
  • Avoid car sharing.
  • Unless for work, overnight stays outside of your area should be avoided.

So that’s our round up of the latest restrictions in place for Derby and Derbyshire. The government plans to reassess what tier areas are in every 2 weeks.

Until then it’s important to remember that even when following these restrictions, it is still vital to:

  • Wash your hands regularly.
  • Wear a face covering in enclosed spaces.
  • Stay 2 metres apart – or 1 metre with a face covering or other precautions in place.

It is also vital to book a test and not leave your home if you develop any coronavirus. These symptoms are:

  • A new continuous cough.
  • A loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste.
  • A high temperature.