University students have been given a five-point guide to prevent the spread of illness in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak.
Some universities in the UK have either switched to online teaching or limited their lectures for specific students as they grow fearful of the highly contagious disease Covid-19.
These include Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Bristol and University of Nottingham.
Here are five steps university students can follow by to stop the spreading of Coronavirus:
Washing your hands
Even though this is the basic principle for preventing all diseases, it is an easy method to stop Coronavirus.
The World Health Organisation advises that people should regularly and thoroughly wash their hands either with an alcoholic-based hand rub or soap and water.
There are simple things we each must do to protect ourselves from #COVID19, including 👐 washing with 🧼 & 💦 or alcohol-based rub.
WHO is launching the #SafeHands Challenge to promote the power of clean 👐 to fight #coronavirus.
Join the challenge & share your 👐 washing video!— World Health Organization (WHO) (@WHO) March 13, 2020
Maintain social distancing
Social distancing is the best possible method for students from catching the disease.
Since Coronavirus is highly contagious, the NHS advises that people should avoid close contact with affected people.
This can include nights out with friends.
Stay home or in accommodation if feeling unwell
If students are experiencing mild symptoms such as a headache or a slightly runny nose, the World Health Organisation advises them to stay home.
Staying at home or in university accommodation will prevent students from coming into contact with other students.
The most common symptoms of #coronavirus are:
New continuous cough
High temperature (37.8 degrees or higher)If you have either of these, you need to:
➡️ stay at home
➡️ not leave your house for 7 days from when your symptoms— NHS (@NHSuk) March 12, 2020
Wear a face mask only if you’re sick
News outlet Vox advises people to only wear a face mask if they are sick.
Students should wear a face mask to prevent the spread of the coronavirus if a medical professional has recommended it.
Dial 111 if your symptoms have grown worse
Students should dial 111 if their symptoms have not got better after seven days.
They are also advised NOT to go to a GP, a pharmacy or a hospital.