
Woman in the field meditating

How to boost your mood when feeling down

May 13 to 19 marks Mental Health Awareness Week in the UK. For most students, May can be a stressful month as deadlines are approaching...
A body builder gets sprayed with tan paint before taking the stage during the Mumbai Bodybuilding competition

How do bodybuilders get that tanned and glowing look on the...

Everyone knows that bodybuilders look very tanned and glowing on the stage... but not many know how they actually get the tan. So let...
Female bodybuilder walking on the stage, in front of other female bodybuilders.

Bodybuilding blues: weight loss easier than weight gain?

Getting ready for a bodybuilding competition... I believe everyone would understand that it requires a lot of discipline, motivation, hard work and commitment. A...


Three University of Derby graduates lined up, two of which who now work at Eighteen.

Meet the Derby students helping company break into digital marketing world

by Holly Hunt Nowadays, it is becoming increasingly difficult for companies and their websites to be found in the ever-evolving world of Google. However, one...